11 Best Eating Habits To Help You Lose Weight For 2023 For Women Over 30

Monday, Dec 26, 2022 | Activity, Featured, Lifestyle

There’s a solid reason to think that maintaining a girlish body has gotten harder as you’ve gotten older. When you hit your 30s, your metabolism begins to slow, so you’ll want to watch both the calories and the fat you take in. Unfortunately, the 30s are often a time of increased family and professional responsibilities, leaving less time for physical activity and healthy nutrition. However, you should hold off on giving up your skinny jeans.

Here are 11 tried-and-true ways of eating that have been shown to speed up your metabolism, make you burn more calories, and help you lose those pesky extra pounds.


Table of Contents

  1. Drop Those Artificial Sweeteners
  2. Take Advantage Of Morning Hours By Eating Well
  3. Consider Your Emotions Towards Food
  4. Eat A Handful Of Prunes For A Snack
  5. Five Times A Day, Eat
  6. Have A Green Drink
  7. Don’t Plan On Going to Happy Hour Anymore
  8. Get Your Portions Just Right
  9. Don’t Finish Off What’s On Your Kids’ Plates
  10. Try To Get Your Hands On Some Supplements
  11. Optimize Your Weight Loss Strategy Through Modern Technology


1. Drop Those Artificial Sweeteners

While there is little to no calorie content in artificial sweeteners, there is evidence that they can stimulate appetite and contribute to overeating. If you didn’t already know, aspartame, a common sugar substitute, interferes with the activity of an enzyme in the digestive tract called intestinal alkaline phosphatase (IAP), which has a role in preventing obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome, making its use counterproductive!


2. Take Advantage Of Morning Hours By Eating Well

If you have a high-protein breakfast every morning, you’ll be well on your way to losing weight and keeping it off. Scientific research indicates that doing so can help curb hunger and cut back on calories throughout the day. Try an omelet with your favorite vegetables. Eating eggs for breakfast may help with weight loss in women more so than eating an equivalent-calorie bagel.


3. Consider Your Emotions Towards Food

Because sometimes it isn’t what you eat but rather what is eating you that matters most.

Did you know that your poor mental health is most likely the biggest roadblock to your weight loss goals? This is likely the root cause of obesity which affects millions. If you want to stop the yo-yo dieting cycle for good, it may help to get some professional advice on how to disconnect your emotional connection to food.


4. Eat A Handful Of Prunes For A Snack

Despite the fact that dried fruit isn’t normally recommended on a weight loss regimen, those who consume prunes daily lose more weight and inches around their waist than those who don’t. People who regularly consume prunes tend to be quite happy and, as a bonus, slimmer.


5. Five Times A Day, Eat

What you just read is correct! Try to stick to a diet of three-square meals and two snacks, with each snack containing no more than 200 calories. Go for high-protein snacks like beef jerky, yogurt, protein shakes, hard-boiled eggs, and fruits and veggies to stave off hunger pangs for at least a few hours. And breakfast is a proven weight reduction booster, so don’t skip it!


6. Have A Green Drink

This is where I think Popeye was right! The thylakoids found in spinach’s green leaf membranes have been shown to reduce hedonic hunger (the insatiable desire for high-fat, high-calorie foods) by as much as 95% and boost weight reduction by 43%. If you start your day with a green smoothie, you can count on the spinach in it to help you get back in shape!


7. Don’t Plan On Going to Happy Hour Anymore

Partied hard in your 20s? It’s time to cut back, if not stop altogether, in your 30s. The high-calorie content of alcohol makes cutting back on your night-time libation an effective weight management strategy. Bear in mind that drinking not only causes you to lose your inhibitions but also weakens your resolve.


8. Get Your Portions Just Right

Our appetites have diminished since we were 15, or even 5 years younger, and we tend to eat more than we can physically digest. Take a look at the serving size recommendations on the food label and compare them to how much of your favorite foods you’re actually consuming to determine the optimal portion sizes. If you want to learn more about what constitutes a healthy portion size, try out the Healthi app so you can track, weigh, and measure everything you eat.


9. Don’t Finish Off What’s On Your Kids’ Plates

Everyone feels bad about wasting food, but it may get worse if you always finish your children’s leftovers. You can add another 142 calories to your dinner by snacking on three chicken nuggets while you do the dishes. To add another 136 calories, you can finish off some fast-food fries.


10. Try To Get Your Hands On Some Supplements

No one knows for sure if supplements help you lose weight faster, but they can only help your health in the long run. You should start with a multivitamin, and if you want to supplement further, you could try Vitamin K, Vitamin D, fish oil, and probiotics. It’s wise to speak with your physician before taking any supplements!


11. Optimize Your Weight Loss Strategy Through Modern Technology

Simply look into your pocket for inspiration to lose weight. Many smartphones come equipped with pedometers that count the steps you take each day. Try to average at least 10,000 steps every day. In addition, Healthi, which counts your BITES (a food score value), is also available for download and can assist you on your journey to lose weight.