6 Tips for Losing Weight on a Budget

6 Tips for Losing Weight on a Budget

Losing weight doesn’t need to break your bank. Sure, memberships at fancy, state of the art gyms are nice. Yes, personal trainers are a Godsend and shopping at grocery stores...

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5 Healthi Swap Recipes for Summer

5 Healthi Swap Recipes for Summer

Looking for healthier options for your Summer? Swap these cookout favorites with healthier options! When it comes to a cookout, many of us already have an idea of what will be...

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5 Tips to Avoid Overeating

5 Tips to Avoid Overeating

Do you find it harder to stick to your plan on the weekend? Are you frustrated with falling off plan on the weekends and then restarting your “diet” on Monday? Are you tired of...

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SLOW DOWN: Healthy Habit #4

SLOW DOWN: Healthy Habit #4

6-Week Weight Loss Challenge Healthy Habit #4: Slow Down Catch up: Healthi Habit #1, Healthi Habits #2, Healthi Habits #3 Hi friends! I'm back (Coach Lisa) for week four of our...

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Secondly, Eat More Plants

Secondly, Eat More Plants

Coach Mindy here, back with my second favorite healthi habit that helped me lose over 60 lbs. Eat more plants!! This is a two part habit. First part is increasing your variety in...

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First Up, Eat LESS Sugar

First Up, Eat LESS Sugar

Hey! Coach Mindy here! This month at Healthi we are discussing healthy habits and I'm going to share with you my favorite healthy habits that have helped me lose over 60lbs and...

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How To Deal With Summer Treats

How To Deal With Summer Treats

Hi Coach Jeri Here!  Every season brings in a plethora of foods that we associate with that time of year. Some are our favorites that we look forward to and some may bring on an...

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