Staying at Home + Staying on Track

Staying at Home + Staying on Track

Hey community, Coach Laura here! I’m a stay at home mom (SAHM) of BOYS. Not only do I have boys, I have a garden and a flock of chickens that I tend to. How do I find time to do...

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Let’s Talk Fruit!

Let’s Talk Fruit!

Hi all! Coach Jeri here! The Healthi Community Groups on Facebook are always filled with really good questions about fruit and the correct way to track it. With summer here,...

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Healthi Community Matters

Healthi Community Matters

Hi all! Happy Monday!  Welcome back to the Healthi Blog! We hope this new week finds you excited and motivated to conquer your goals! We’re going to use this blog spot to...

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Embracing Self-Love in Weight Loss

Embracing Self-Love in Weight Loss

Hi all! Coach Courtney here! Let's talk about self-love and learning to embrace your body while losing weight. We all have our own stories to tell, or how we ended up where we...

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Lifestyle vs. Diet

Lifestyle vs. Diet

Hi Coach Jeri here! When you've maintained and watched your weight for as long as I have, you tend to pick up on a few things. Through lots of trial and error, I think I can...

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Let’s Talk Grocery Shopping

Let’s Talk Grocery Shopping

Hi friends! Happy Saturday! Today, we want to chat about something that everyone can relate to. It’s something that we all HAVE to do, but is also a privilege that we GET to do....

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