Diet Hack from our Head Coach Lisa

Diet Hack from our Head Coach Lisa

Written By: Head Coach Lisa Wood Some people may think that this is silly, but I found that if I mark items with a color-coded sticker for how many BITES they are when I do my...

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The Wonders of Walking

The Wonders of Walking

Here we are, finally (slowly but surely) getting back out and about. After about seven months of being homebodies, we are finally spreading our wings a little bit- how freeing!...

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The Psychology of Dieting

The Psychology of Dieting

Written by: Coach Mindy Matus How many times have you started a weight loss journey and given up before you reached your goal? How many times have you restarted? Have you ever...

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Zero BITE Foods for Autumn

Zero BITE Foods for Autumn

As temperatures begin to drop (in most places), we’re getting giddy at the thought of fall! There is something fresh and exciting about the change of seasons. Autumn is usually...

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FITNESS TIPS: Week 11 Foam RollingFoam Rolling  Foam rolling is a great way to provide much needed relief to areas of your body that feel tight or stiff. Key take a ways: Roll...

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How To: Fight Hunger

How To: Fight Hunger

Hangry? Here's What You Do!  Head Coach Lisa, here! Lean protein (not bars/shakes) and high fiber are the keys to not being hungry. The closer you can eat to unprocessed whole...

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How to: Stop Hating Mornings

How to: Stop Hating Mornings

The fact of the matter is that we can’t all be morning people. Some go through phases, some have been disciplined since childhood, and some will never like mornings. However,...

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