Chef Genie’s Sheet Pan Turkey Sausage & Peppers

Tuesday, Oct 10, 2023 | Coaches, Meals

Chef Genie’s Sheet Pan Turkey Sausage & Peppers

I love sheet pan meals and this one is so quick and easy!

Sheet Pan Turkey Sausage & Peppers

Serves 4


1 TbspOlive Oil
1Orange Pepper
1Green Bell pepper
1/2 TspSalt
1Red Bell pepper
1/2 CupTeriyaki Sauce
2Medium Red Onions
1/4 TspPepper
1 TspGarlic Powder
12 ouncePolska Kiebasa Turkey Sausage


  • Slice peppers, onions, and sausage.
  • Combine all ingredients onto a foil lined sheet pan and mix well.
  • Spread into an even layer and bake at 425F for 30 minutes, then enjoy!

Watch the full video on Instagram

Healthi Weight Loss Plans

Carb Conscious: 6 BITES
Conquer Cravings: 5 BITES
Sugar Smart: 6 BITES
Better Balance: 6 BITES
Calorie Command: 244 Calories
Keeping Keto: 20 Net Carbs