Chef Hibah’s Mini Baked Potatoes

Wednesday, Nov 8, 2023 | Coaches, Meals

Chef Hibah’s Mini Baked Potatoes

Mini individual sized foods are my absolute favorite, especially when I’m planning a dinner or event!

Mini Baked Potatoes

Serves 11


2 Small BagsMini Potatoes (Little Potato Co)
1 TbspEVOO
1 TbspButter
1 TbspShredded Cheese
2 TbspLight Sour Cream
Salt to Taste


  • Put your potatoes in a n oven safe baking pan.
  • Add the EVOO and salt, then combine well.
  • Bake on 400F until the potatoes are fork tender!
  • Next, carefully cut each potato down the center, being careful not to go all the way through.
  • Next, add a tiny bit of butter, then shredded cheese, tiny dollop of sour cream, and garnish with cut up green onion!
  • Enjoy!

Watch the full video on Instagram

Healthi Weight Loss Plans

Carb Conscious: 2 BITES
Conquer Cravings: 2 BITES
Sugar Smart: 2 BITES
Better Balance: 1 BITES
Calorie Command: 59 Calories
Keeping Keto: 7 Net Carbs