Chef Hibah’s White Chocolate Dipped Raspberries

Thursday, Jul 13, 2023 | Coaches, Meals

Chef Hibah’s White Chocolate Dipped Raspberries

These white chocolate covered raspberries are the perfect sweet treat! I love making them!

White Chocolate Dipped Raspberries

Serves 4


1 TspSprinkles
1/4 CupWhite Chocolate Chips


  • Wash your raspberries and dry them well.
  • Dip in the melted white chocolate.
  • Then cover with sprinkles.
  • Enjoy!

Watch the full video on Instagram

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Carb Conscious: 2 BITES
Conquer Cravings: 2 BITES
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Better Balance: 3 BITES
Calorie Command: 70 Calories
Keeping Keto: 7.8 Net Carbs