Staying on Track at Summer Barbecues & Picnics

Staying on Track at Summer Barbecues & Picnics

Hi all Coach Courtney here!  Summer is my favorite season, I love being outdoors and even more heading out to a great barbecue or picnic with family and friends! If you’re trying to lose weight, anxiety about staying on track can sometimes arise. How will...
Is Weight Loss Sabotage a Thing?

Is Weight Loss Sabotage a Thing?

Hi all and happy Monday! Coach Jeri here!  Sometimes we have friends and family that are not completely on board with your progress and commitment to eating nutritiously and losing weight. Maybe they support the idea of it. Maybe they’re even proud of you....
Conquer Cravings Q&A with Coach Lisa

Conquer Cravings Q&A with Coach Lisa

Hi Friends! Coach Lisa here! As the turning over of a new year have come and gone, some of us are still searching for a new diet or weight loss plan. Let me be the first to say that it is OKAY to not have it figured out yet. Between Instagram, Pinterest, and all of...
Better Balance Q&A with Paul

Better Balance Q&A with Paul

Hi Friends! Paul here! This past fall I was chosen to be a brand ambassador for Healthi! I started my journey off at 409.8 lbs and losing weight was something I never thought would have been possible. I figured I would always be “stuck” at this weight...
Differentiating Types of Hunger

Differentiating Types of Hunger

Hi all! Coach Lisa here! Did you know that most people experience 3 types of hunger? Knowing what you’re feeling can go a long way in curbing cravings, stopping binging and taking control of your relationship with food. BRAIN HUNGER You are thinking about food....