Fighting Against Emotional Eating

Fighting Against Emotional Eating

My heart is racing as I write this. I’ve already put down my phone three different times to avoid this. I don’t want to talk about it, but I know I need to. It’s part of my healing. Lately, I’ve started watching “My 600lb Life”. I...
It’s Time To Be Selfish

It’s Time To Be Selfish

A lot of people who have found themselves overweight have a common personality trait that has helped lead them there. They tend to put others before themselves. They tend to be the care takers of the world, the parents, the nurturing friend, the one who will drop...
The Importance of Short Term Goals

The Importance of Short Term Goals

The biggest mistake many people make when trying to reach their goals is setting their sights on their big goal and not taking the time to break it down into smaller, more manageable steps. Let’s call these steps our Milestone Goals. It’s important to know...
Top 5 Tips for Lasting and Successful Weight Loss

Top 5 Tips for Lasting and Successful Weight Loss

Author: Healthi Coach Mindy Matus Fad diets come and go, and there is no shortage of diets claiming to give you fast results. And because we’re such an instant gratification society, we fall for it… hook, line, and sinker. But diets such as these...