Weight Maintenance: A Flexible Approach

Weight Maintenance: A Flexible Approach

Weight Maintenance: A Flexible Approach You’ve reached your goal weight and you’re ecstatic… but now what? Tracking meals and BITES for the rest of your life may seem daunting. During your journey, you’ve likely heard that this process is not...
Staying on Track at Summer Barbecues & Picnics

Staying on Track at Summer Barbecues & Picnics

Hi all Coach Courtney here!  Summer is my favorite season, I love being outdoors and even more heading out to a great barbecue or picnic with family and friends! If you’re trying to lose weight, anxiety about staying on track can sometimes arise. How will...
All Things Activity- How Active are You?

All Things Activity- How Active are You?

Hi! My name is Sara Anne, here to talk all things activity! I’m in charge of the unofficial Healthi Facebook Groups, along with our Head Coach Lisa Wood. If you are active on Facebook, we’ve probably chatted. Activity is a big part of my life....