Summer’s Here, “Are You Ready”

Summer’s Here, “Are You Ready”

Hi! Coach Jeri Here! June is now here and for many that means summer has officially arrived. It is my favorite time of year! Living on the East Coast, summer is most welcome after a cold winter. Off come the layers of bulky sweaters and coats, and out come the shorts,...
Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals

Setting S.M.A.R.T Goals

Hi all, Coach Mindy here! Now that we’ve learned how to create our WHY. Let’s discover how to make it happen! We all know change doesn’t happen overnight. Taking things slow is our best bet for sustainable success. The best way to do that is...
5 Tips For Having Fun This Memorial Day

5 Tips For Having Fun This Memorial Day

Hey y’all, Coach Mindy here! It always happens, right as we get in the groove with out healthy lifestyle, something comes up that could potentially derail us. Part of this journey is learning how to navigate these times. We want our weight loss results to be...
Introducing: The Healthi Podcast

Introducing: The Healthi Podcast

Hi friends!! Happy Monday!!  We’re coming to you with one of the most exciting announcements we’ve had in awhile! Healthi has officially launched a podcast!!! Cue Confetti!! As we often say, our community means everything to us, at Healthi. We...