Weight Loss Refresh

Weight Loss Refresh

Hi friends! Coach Stefanie You may be excited because you finally feel like you have a good routine down. But then the scale stops moving and you wonder: What am I doing wrong? It is easy to get frustrated when you seem to be doing everything right but your weight...
Meet Our New Brand Ambassadors

Meet Our New Brand Ambassadors

Hi friends! Happy Saturday!  If you follow us on Instagram, you probably saw that as of last week we officially have five new brand ambassadors!! This rounds out a total 14!! Fourteen of our loyal users turned into brand loyalists that we put our arm around and...
Your Meal Plan Questions, Answered!!

Your Meal Plan Questions, Answered!!

Hi Friends! Welcome to our new segment- Meal Plan Mondays! As you (hopefully) saw at the beginning of the month/ year we rolled out an entirely new feature in our app, MEAL PLANS! Yay! If you’re totally and completely confused, click HERE to read our...