Healthi Interview Series: Pammy

Thursday, Jun 22, 2023 | Coaches, Lifestyle

Hello Healthi family, Coach Ashley here! Welcome to the Healthi Interview Series where I’ll be interviewing Healthi Members on their weight loss journeys. If you are looking for more inspiration, motivation, maybe some real-life experiences of people and their weight loss journeys, look no further!

I’ll be chatting with Healthi members and coaches to bring some insight and fresh perspective on what it takes to lose weight and keep it off.  In these interviews, members will get to share details about their journeys, goals, motivation, food choices, exercises, and more! 

I hope the Healthi Interview Series brings you inspiration and motivation to help you in your journey! Whether you’re just starting your weight loss journey or you’re looking for new strategies to stay on track, there are many effective and sustainable ways to achieve your goals. With the help of your supportive Healthi Coaches and Members, and a commitment to healthy habits, you can reach your weight loss goals and live a happier, Healthi-er life.


Today, I’m interviewing Healthi Member, Pammy! 


First, please introduce yourself! Tell us a little bit about you and the Healthi plan you chose.

Pammy: My name is Pammy. I initially started my weight loss journey with Healthi in 2020 with a goal to lose weight for my wedding. I lost over 50 pounds but stopped tracking and following my “Healthi” lifestyle which resulted in me gaining the majority of the weight back. I am now re-committed to my Healthi journey and lifestyle, and am working on a big comeback. I use the Healthi Carb Conscious plan.


What motivated you to start your weight loss journey?

Pammy: My initial motivation was to lose weight for my wedding. I successfully lost over 50 lbs following the Healthi Carb Conscious plan, but put most of it back on since then. I am now recommitting to weight-loss so that I can be my healthiest self.


How do you stay motivated to continue your weight loss journey?

Pammy: Staying motivated can be hard. I like to weigh myself once per week and take lots of progress photos along the way. I also carefully monitor and track various aspects of my fitness and health so I can see my progress over time.


Have you tried losing weight before? If so, what worked for you and what didn’t work?

Pammy: Prior to Healthi I tried to lose weight by increasing my exercise. Even though I love running, I can tell you firsthand that exercising to lose weight doesn’t work as well as eating healthier. Its very hard to “outrun” a bad diet.


What is your favorite healthy snack to munch on?

Pammy: In general, I try not to snack too much. I usually limit myself to one mid-afternoon snack worth 0-3 bites. I enjoy carrots dipped in hummus, low-fat string cheese, berries, watermelon, and pickles.


Have you incorporated exercise into your weight loss plan? If so, what types of exercise do you enjoy?

Pammy: Oh yes! I first started running in an attempt to lose weight. Running has since become a huge part of my identity and one of my absolute favorite hobbies! I run and walk nearly every day, and run a few races per year. Last year I ran my first marathon!

Aside from running, I enjoy going on walks with my husband and puppy. We like to play PokemonGo on our phones while we walk around town. I do not like traditional strength training, but enjoy Barre.


What do you think are the biggest obstacles to losing weight, and how do you plan to overcome them?

Pammy: I think the biggest obstacle is just staying on track in the summer when there are a lot of festivities and social opportunities involving food. I just plan to try my best, and make healthier choices when possible. I am at a point in my journey where I am now prioritizing social opportunities with friends and family over losing weight as quickly as possible. 


How do you plan to maintain your weight loss once you reach your goal?

Pammy: Continue tracking! My biggest issue last time I hit goal was continuing with tracking and measuring my portions.


If you could create a healthy meal inspired by your favorite cuisine, what would it be and why?

Pammy: I like Poke bowls! I am a firm believer that most meals should include protein, carbs, and veggies, and I think Poke is a great way to accomplish this! My go-to Poke bowl usually has brown rice, raw or smoked salmon, shrimp, cucumber, avocado, lettuce, seaweed salad, and some sort of sauce. I also sometimes add carrot, fish eggs, cream cheese, seaweed, edamame and more!

What’s the most significant lifestyle change you’ve made during your weight loss journey, and how has it impacted your life?

Pammy: Aside from tracking, the most significant change has been embracing fitness and becoming a runner. Through running, I found a new hobby and have made so many friends! I am very involved with my local running community, and have had the opportunity to meet so many inspirational people who are like-minded in their journeys towards better health.


If you could go back in time and give yourself one piece of weight loss advice, what would it be?

Pammy: “You do not need to lose weight as fast as possible! Trust the process and focus on sustainable loss.”


What wonderful inspiration to find an activity that you truly enjoy! Thanks so much for being part of our Healthi Interview series, Pammy!